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Great Malvern Primary School

Year 4


Welcome to Year 4


There are two classes in Year 4: 4RH (Mr Hulls's class) and 4JB (Miss Burford's class). Mrs Abba is the teaching assistant in 4RH, and Miss Harber is in 4JB. On this page, you will find some information about the learning taking place in Year 4.


           Great Malvern Primary School          


Autumn Term 2024


Dear Parents, 


Welcome back; for what we hope will be an exciting term.


We thought it would be helpful to give you an idea of what your child will be learning in school, plus a few reminders of what you can do at home to help your child succeed. Please find below a summary of the learning Year 4 will be covering this term. 


We will be challenging ourselves this term with learning focused on the Ancient Egyptians (see further details below).  If your child does anything at home that supports their learning around this topic, please do make sure they bring it in as it’s always lovely to celebrate children’s enthusiasm for learning! 




This term we will be learning…..



Place value (focus on numbers up to 10,000), addition and subtraction (mental and written methods) multiplication and division, including a big emphasis on times tables.



We will start the term looking at the wonderful picture book Journey, by Aaron Becker, and then moving on to write in the genre of a traditional tale, as well as poetry, and explanation writing based on Wallace and Gromit's "Cracking Contraptions".



We will be studying a variety of historical evidence in order to learn more about the lives of the Ancient Egyptians, including finding more about who may have built the pyramids, as well as the social hierarchy of the time.



We will be looking at living things and their habitats.



In computing, we focus on the importance of online safety and keeping personal details private and secure. We will be developing our skills using Microsoft Teams and ensuring that we can access, alter and upload documents for others to see.



We will be developing our pronunciation of French vocabulary by focusing initially on phonics. We will then develop our ability to describe ourselves and present our needs to others.



Festivals in Christianity and Hinduism will be the focus for this term.


Indoor PE will focus on ‘fitness.’ 

Outdoor PE will focus on football.



Our key focus initially will be "health and well-being".



PE days this half term

Monday for indoor PE

Wednesday for outdoor PE


Homework will be set on a weekly basis, with a weekly spelling test each Friday. Maths will be set on alternate weeks. On the other weeks, your child may choose one of the tasks from our Egyptians-based history work, which they will be given on a sheet which details the possible tasks. Children will complete this work in their homework books (which are purple).


We are looking forward to an exciting half term, we have lots planned to engage your child in their learning. You can help your child reach their potential by making sure they are on time and in school every day and that they organise themselves and come to school feeling positive and ready to learn. 


We thank you for your support with your child’s learning. 


Yours sincerely, 


 Mr Hulls and Miss Burford. 




- All of the children have received a username and password for this website and a brief letter of how to access the online games and activities that are on there. 

- Teachers have not yet set which activities they want your child to access, so for now we would like them just to explore the games that they wish to try. To do this click on the 'subjects' heading on the side menu. 

- Then choose English, maths or science and try games either at the age they are working at or below to build some confidence to begin with.

- Once your child's teacher has set any classwork for them to do on here they will let you know via Twitter and their year group page. This will be by the Easter holidays to enable your child to have time to work through their home learning packs first.


- If you have problems connecting please contact via email to the office which will be forwarded to me so I can sort any issues. 


Thanks, Mrs Perry.

Times Table Rock Stars

All children have log in details for Times Tables Rock Stars. We would like them to play on the site as often as possible. They don't have to play for long, little and often sometimes works best. We will be choosing a Rock Star of the week in each class for children who have made the most effort/progress across the week, and will sometimes have "battles" where classes play each other.


Times Tables Rock Stars (