Being exposed to a range of high quality texts and books is essential to our English curriculum. Throughout their reading and writing lessons at Great Malvern Primary School, children will develop their vocabulary, sentence structure and spoken language. They will have high expectations of their own work and be able to apply their skills to a range of reading opportunities and writing purposes. They will develop their own opinions and writing styles which they can take with them on their future learning journeys.
- All children will have access to a range of quality texts to enjoy and cherish.
- Objectives selected from the national curriculum are carefully sequenced to build on prior knowledge and challenge children to move forwards in their learning.
Reading at GMPS:
- All children have access to a range of quality texts in lessons, class libraries and as class readers.
- In KS1 and KS2, comprehension lessons are based around the One Education Reading Gems to enhance understanding of reading skills and ensure children develop vocabulary.
- The texts chosen link with other subject areas so as to reinforce and deepen children's subject knowledge.
- Children are challenged through high quality texts which teach them new vocabulary and how to comprehend a quality text.
Writing at GMPS
- In EYFS, writing will link with high quality, engaging books. They will also link their writing with their current topics to ensure that it is purposeful for the children,
- In years 1 - 6, teachers will plan a curriculum that will focus on the purpose of writing. Writing purposes will be carefully introduced and revisited throughout the year, incorporating a range of text-types. These purposes are:
- Sequences of learning allow for contextualised grammar sessions, making this learning more purposeful for the children.
- Writing links with oracy and spoken language through the use of the Talk for Writing approach at various points in the year. This gives the children and engaging way to learn about correct grammar and sentence structure when speaking the text.
- Invent units, which increase in frequency as the year progresses, ensure the children are independent and creative writers.
- Writing links with high quality texts that inspire and motivate the children to write.
- Lessons taught are consistent between the two classes in each year group to ensure the children are receiving the same learning experiences.
- Spelling is a focus in all lessons. It is taught explicitly through the Read, Write, Inc. spelling scheme and reinforced through teacher feedback and marking.