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Great Malvern Primary School

Year 2

Welcome back to Great Malvern for the Spring Term! We hope that you had a fabulous Christmas and Happy New Year.


For the first half of this term, our topic and History focus will be on Queen Elizabeth II. Children will learn about the Royal family tree and the significant events of her life. They will look at the reign of the queen, understanding why it was so significant and unique. After half term the focus will be Geography, and our topic will be Streams. Children will explore their local areas, learning where streams are on a map. They will identify features of streams, understand where they start and end and practically investigate the flow of water. In Science, our focus is on Materials. Children will explore a range of materials, discuss their properties and experiment with their suitability for different purposes. Please read our Spring newsletter below to see more detail in each of our curriculum areas.


PE days are on a Tuesday this term but please make sure your child has a full PE kit in school, every day. Ensure all items are clearly named.


Reading books will be sent home daily. There will be a reading book that is matched to their reading level and a ‘bedtime book’ which they choose independently and could be read to them by an adult if needed. It is important that you read every day with your child and record their reading in your child’s reading diary. Your child will need to bring their books and diaries to school every day. Alongside this, we encourage you to practise reading and spelling the common exception words for years 1 and 2. A link to these can be found below.


We also encourage your child to practise their times tables using Times Table Rockstars. Children need to be confident with the 2’s, 5’s and 10 times tables. We suggest 3-5 minutes per day. Details of their login can be found on the inside of their reading diaries.

Please read our 2024-2025 class letter for information.