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Great Malvern Primary School

Year 2

Please read our 2024-2025 class letter for information.

Curriculum for this year

Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime letter


Great Malvern Primary School





Dear Parents and carers,


A big hello and welcome back from all the staff in Year 2 J  We hope you all had a lovely break over the summer and are ready to start the new term.


Our topic for the first half of this term is ‘The Tudors’ The focus of our learning for the topic is history and geography, but it will also include a variety of curriculum areas such as art and DT. If your child does anything at home that supports their topic, please tweet us on our class Twitter pages as it’s always lovely to see and celebrate the children’s learning. You can also find regular updates on these pages by following:





“The Tudors”



In the first three weeks of term, we will be focusing on place value and focusing mainly on numbers to 100. Later on, we will look at areas such as addition and subtraction, as well as money. The children will be learning how to add two-digit numbers in a variety of ways and looking at number bonds to 100 for the first time.


Over this term, we will be looking at a variety of texts and films to stimulate the children’s learning in English. We will learn and re tell Jack and the Beanstalk and create our own version of this fairy tale. As we go through the term, we will move on to looking at a variety of Roald Dahl texts, using these to help us write instructions and character descriptions.



In science, we will be looking at animals including humans. We will look at how to stay healthy through eating the right foods and exercising properly. As the topic progresses, the children will look at animals and their young, thinking about how different animals have different offspring.



History this term will focus on the Tudors. We will launch our topic by creating Tudor houses. We will explore Henry VIII and his wives and also look at some of the influential explores of that period.



This term we will be starting off the children’s learning by getting used to logging on to a computer – improving the children’s typing skills. We will also be looking at Microsoft Teams to help with the children’s confidence in using this.


In Art we will be developing our drawing skills using a range of materials such as charcoal.


Our values for this term are Gratitude and Support. We will also be looking at different family types and what our own family looks like.



RE in the Autumn term will focus on Christianity. We will start by looking at the teachings of Jesus and moving on to learning about Christmas and the Christian beliefs surrounding it.




During PE ,we will be enjoying learning about fundamental skills such as balancing, coordination, agility and special awareness through games, group and partner work. We will also be developing our dance skills.



 Additional Information

PE kit




P.E lessons are on Wednesday and Thursday.  Please make sure they bring a full P.E kit in school which should include: White T- shirt, bottle green or black shorts, suitable trainers/pumps, warm black or green jogging bottoms and an extra green sweatshirt. This will be kept in school so that the children can change into it on their PE days.


Water bottles & healthy tuck







Reading books will be sent home daily. There will be a reading book that is matched to their reading level and a ‘bedtime book’ which they choose independently and could be read to them by an adult if needed. It is important that you read every day with your child and record their reading in your child’s reading diary. Your child will need to bring their books and diaries to school every day.




Spelling lists will be set on a Friday and tested the following Friday. Please support your child in learning the words they bring home. This year we will not be sending home spellings in a book – just on a sheet. The children do not need to bring this sheet back in to school.


Yours sincerely,


Miss Passey & Mr Giles