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Great Malvern Primary School


Welcome to Reception

at Great Malvern Primary School!

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Hello and welcome to Reception at Great Malvern Primary School



At Great Malvern Primary School learning is fun and it all starts in the Foundation Stage classes.


Meet the team!

In Reception we have two classes - RKC and RCH.

We have three teachers: Mrs Collins, Mrs Carter and Mrs Hooley.

We also have two teaching assistants: Mrs Lancett and Mrs Blannin as well as two support staff: Mr Major and Miss Boswell


What do your children need in school?

Every day in school your child should have;

  • A water bottle
  • A book bag with their reading book and reading diary inside
  • Wellies
  • A waterproof coat or...
  • A warm coat, hat and gloves in the winter months or...
  • A sun hat in the summer/hot weather and sun cream (to be applied at home. We recommend the 8 hour protection creams

Please make sure that all items are clearly labelled!



Children in Reception will do PE at least once a week so a kit is required. A PE kit should consist of:

  • A white t-shirt 
  • Green shorts
  • Green jogging bottoms
  • A pair of black pumps or trainers

At Great Malvern, Forest School sessions take place weekly for Reception classes and run throughout the year which enables the children to experience the changing seasons. Children will be supervised at all times by a Forest School leader and school staff. (Our Forest School Leaders are First Aid Trained)

What kind of activities do we offer in Forest School?

Activities are varied throughout the year as they are often child initiated and seasonal. Nature is at the heart of what we do and the children will, over time, learn about the world around them. Activities may include:


  • Mini beast hunting
  • Den building
  • Using simple tools
  • Mud painting
  • Story telling
  • Cooking around a campfire
  • Creating tree sculptures… to name but a few!

What to wear in Forest School?

We ask that they come in wearing a pair of black or green jogging bottoms and a school polo top, jumper or hoodie, and school shoes as they will change into their wellies when we go to the Forest School site. We ask that your child has a pair of wellies that stay permanently in school until the end of the school year. During the winter months we may ask for woolly hats and gloves. 


We love our Forest School sessions. Please remember to check our Tapestry pages to see what we have been up to!









Mrs Collins, Mrs Carter, Mrs Hooley and the Reception Team




                                           Characteristics of Effective Learning are:

Playing and exploring-engagement

Finding out and exploring

Playing with what they know

Being willing to 'have a go'


Active Learning-motivation

Being involved and concentrating

Keeping trying

Enjoying achieving what they set out to do


Creating and thinking critically-thinking

Having their own ideas

Making links

Choosing ways to do things.






                            How to help your child at home


Independence skills


In Reception we expect the children to go to the toilet on their own, manage their own hygiene and to look after their own things. You could help at home by:


  • Let your child have a try on their own first!
  • Try to put your child in clothes which are easy for them to put on and take off.
  • Naming all clothes is important, especially jumpers as they all look the same!
  • Reading
  • We want to encourage a love of reading . Try and share a book with your child at bedtime or another times of the day. Your child will  be bringing home a book to share.


  • Visit the library
  • Encourage your child to choose books about things that that interest them. This could be a Superman annual or a Barbie comic. Maybe even information books about Dinosaurs or Space!
  • You could read words anywhere e.g. back of a cereal packet, sign posts, birthday cards

  • Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy


    We want to encourage a love of number. You can help your child by asking them to help solve problems like how many apples do we need?

  • Sings songs like "Five fat sausages sizzling in the went pop and the other went BANG!" How many sausages are left?
  • Counting every day things. For example, how many number of trees on the way to school, or how many buttons on your cardigan.
  • Show me 5 fingers or give me 4 leaves etc.
  • Get your child to help you cook; measuring ingredients and sharing food out.
  • Knowledge and Understanding of the World


  • Talk to your child  about what they have done during the day.
  • Encourage your child to understand their past and present for example looking at photos of their families or special events.
  • Talk to your child about their local environment, the places and people around them
  • Physical Development
  • Enjoy going outside
  • Go to the park and have some fun!
  • Explore what your body can do. "How high can you jump?", "How fast can you run?", "How high can you stretch?"
  • Improving smaller movements like pencil grip by using small construction toys or threading beads etc.
  •  Creative Development


  • Get messy - get out the paints, chalks and have some fun!
  • Role play - remember anything can be made into a prop.
  • Imaginative play-cars, trains, dinosaurs etc









Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!


A huge thank you to everyone who supports the Foundation Stage on a daily basis: parents/ carers and the PTFA. The parental support our school receives is simply second to none and it is with your help that we make our school the friendly, caring family that it is.

Thank you

The Foundation Stage Team

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your teacher know!


