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Great Malvern Primary School

Personal Development

Personal Development Strategy and Overview:

Great Malvern Primary School







ALIVE: A holistic approach that views each child as a unique individual with developing strengths, interests and personal qualities.



Every child, regardless of starting points, additional needs, background, gender, ethnicity or any other protected characteristic has a basic entitlement to take part in and be exposed to a range of experiences and opportunities on an annual basis.

This is broader than our exciting and ambitious curriculum entitlement, which covers all aspects of either the EYFS curriculum or the national curriculum.

The purpose of these entitlements is to enhance each child’s experience of school and engage them within their local community. To encourage and support a developing resilience, independence, leadership, to foster personal interests and allow children to have new experiences.

Ultimately, these opportunities develop and promote self-esteem and self-confidence, a growth mind-set, good manners and personal and social skills and an understanding of their place in the world.

Every child will have an annual opportunity to:

  • Go on a local school trip or visit within the immediate community or environment or, our city
  • Visit a local church or place of worship
  • Take part in a school service, such as Harvest Festival, Christmas Service, Easter Service or Award ceremony
  • Meet a visitor at school and have an opportunity to ask and answer questions
  • Go on a school trip that involves travel or transport beyond our local area such as by minibus, coach or train
  • Watch a pantomime or professional theatre performance
  • Take part in a performance to other children and adults, such as an assembly, music, dance, gymnastics, oracy or drama performance
  • Experience forest school, Eco School or outdoor learning, either on the school site or other LOtC experience
  • Take part in a whole school sporting event, such as House Cross Country, Netball, Football, Sports day
  • Take part in a whole school event or focus week, such as Friendship/Anti-Bullying, STEM, World Book Day, Wellbeing Day, Numbers Day
  • Take part in a charity event such as collecting/distributing food for the foodbank, Comic/Sport Relief or, a charity event chosen by school such as Wear it Red day
  • Take part in a family or community event such as Family Art, year 6 film show, Christmas and Summer Fayre


During every child’s time in Primary School they will:

  • Be able to attend an after school club of their choice such as gardening, chess, choir, gymnastics, mindfulness, dance, board games, construction or other sports club
  • Learn to play a tuned and un-tuned musical instrument
  • Watch a professional live music or drama performance
  • Take part in a music event wider than the class music provision
  • Take part in a sporting event wider than the class PE provision
  • Take part in a theatre production performance on a stage
  • Take part in an enterprise event
  • Learn how to keep themselves and others safe through learning first aid, water safety such as rescue techniques and boating, safe cycling and safe fire lighting, orienteering and simple survival skills
  • Experience a residential trip off site at a safe residential centre
  • Take on a leadership role in an age appropriate way (such as young Leader, pupil parliament class rep, eco council, house captain, playground pal, librarian, assembly support, class line leader, fruit or milk monitor, undertaking small and regular leadership roles).

Pupil Leadership


PUPIL LEADERSHIP – At Great Malvern Primary school the children have a range of opportunities to demonstrate pupil leadership and to take responsibility for the sharing the views of the pupils and ensuring ownership of their own learning and personal development.


Pupil Parliament – our Members of Parliament (MPs) are voted for by the members of their class after being given the opportunity to campaign for the role. The parliament is made up of children from all classes from Year 1 upwards. They meet regularly with Mr Kent to discuss various pressing issues that are in the forefront of the children’s minds as well as issues the staff wish to bring up with the children. The MPs also run a drop in clinic for any children wishing to talk to them about the school or to share ideas.


Young Leaders – this group of Year 6 children applied for and were interviewed for this role at the beginning of year 6. They are trained at the beginning of the year on how to interact with the children and direct games during break times; how to teach the younger children how to play different playground games both traditional and sporting. They give up at least one of their lunchtimes each week to fulfil their role. There are identified by their different coloured hoodies, the colour of which is chosen by the group at the beginning of each year.


Eco council – this group consists of children from year 1 upwards. They meet with the Mrs Gashi to discuss the environment both within and outside of school, waste management, walking to school initiatives as well as working with other members of the Trust schools Eco councils to produce a yearly Sustainability Day.


Mental Health Ambassadors – these children were trained by Mini Medics last Summer. They provide a mental health drop in on a Monday and any child can come along to this. They have been introduced in assembly and all wear badges so they can be identified by children throughout the day should they want support. They are currently working on modelling how to recognise and verbalise feelings and are taking the role of co-adventurer for children in the drop in clinic.


Year 6 responsibilities - when children enter year 6 there are a number of roles of responsibilities available to them. These include House Captain and Deputy House captain, IT assembly support, letters, lunchtime support for younger children both in the hall and on the KS1 playground, paper recycling, librarians as well as individual roles linked to class teachers. Every child who wants to take on a level of leadership at this age will be given a role throughout the school year.


All the children involved take their roles and responsibilities very seriously and are eager to make a positive contribution to our school and our local community.