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We have a limited number of spaces for Reception starting in September 2025, please contact the school for more information.
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Great Malvern Primary School

Mercian Educational Trust

Great Malvern Primary School and Nursery-

A Partner within Mercian Educational Trust


To educate highly achieving, independent, free thinking individuals able to engage in civic society.


Mercian Educational Trust is committed to delivering an outstanding education for pupils, ensuring they have access to the highest standards of teaching, resources and learning opportunities.

We work in close partnership with our schools, ensuring that we share best practice and provide access to a wide range of partners and resources for the benefit of our pupils and the wider community. 

Visit our website here, follow us on Twitter @METacademies or take a look at the attached 'Join MET' document for further information.


Partner schools within Mercian Educational Trust, Malvern Hub:

Somers Park Primary School

Malvern Vale Primary School

Northleigh C of E Primary School