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Great Malvern Primary School

Working together for success




  • All children will have access to learn about significant periods or events in History throughout their time at Great Malvern. History is taught in every year group and aims to be aspirational, linked, inclusive, varied and engaging.
  • Children will develop skills that will progress as they move through school that will enable them to ask relevant questions, interpret evidence, use enquiries to find answers and justify their opinions using historical concepts and vocabulary.
  • In EYFS, skills will be taught that begin to develop an idea of chronology as they understand their world and how the past existed. Cause and consequence and change and continuity can be covered through behavioural expectations and the preparation for their journey through school.
  • Following the National Curriculum, children in KS1 will continue to build on their historical skills as they develop their awareness of the past and chronology, by asking questions, exploring sources, researching the local area and making comparisons with their own world. 
  • KS2 will be taught about significant periods of history in Britain, the world and the local area. Through enquiries, children work to recognise change and continuity, similarities and differences, causes and consequences so that they can construct informed responses to their historically valid questions.
  • All children will develop confidence in the use of appropriate historical terms and vocabulary.
  • The overarching principle of our whole school curriculum is to build upon key historical periods and concepts that are reviewed, added to and developed each year, increasing memory recall and retrieval skills. This allows our children to advance their critical and rational thinking skills in addition to developing a curiosity and excitement for History.

Intent, Implement & Impact