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Great Malvern Primary School

Working together for success

Year 1

Year 1


A big hello and welcome back from all the staff in Year 1 J  We hope you all had a lovely break over the summer and are ready to start the new term.


Our topic for the first half of this term is “Going Places”. The focus of our learning for the topic is history and geography, but it will also include a variety of curriculum areas such as art and DT. If your child does anything at home that supports their topic, please bring it into school as it’s always lovely to see and celebrate the children’s learning.


“Going Places”



In the first three weeks of term, we will be focusing on place value to 10. We will look at counting and sorting as well as comparing, ordering and representing numbers.



Over this term, we will be looking at a variety of texts to inspire the children’s writing. We will start by looking at fairy tales and writing to entertain. Our text for this unit will be The Three Little Pigs. After this, we will look at instructions with the book Monster Potions.




In science, we will be looking at animals including humans. We will be finding out about the 5 senses and completing a variety of activities to explore each of them. After this, we will look at fish, reptiles, mammals and birds.




History this term will focus mainly on looking at the history of travel where we will look at trains, cars and aeroplanes. We will find out how these inventions have changed our daily lives.




This term we will be starting off the children’s learning by focusing on the keyboard. They will have the chance to develop their skills when typing and learn how to use the mouse on a computer. Later in the term, we will move on to looking at how to use a computer responsibly.




In Art we will be using paints to explore colour. The children will look at primary colours and colour mixing. They will start off with the primary colours and then move onto looking at secondary colours and applying their skills to different tasks.



During our PSHE lessons, we will be focusing on family and friendships. We will think about other people’s emotions and maintaining friendships.




RE in the Autumn term will focus on Christianity.





In PE we will be enjoying learning about ball skills and practising skills such as rolling and dribbling a ball.




 Additional Information

PE kit




P.E lessons are on Thursday.  Please make sure they bring a full P.E kit in school which should include: White T- shirt, shorts/joggers and suitable trainers/pumps. This will be kept in school so that the children can change into it on their PE days.



A bottle of water every day.







Reading books will be sent home daily. There will be a reading book that is matched to their phonics reading level and a ‘bedtime book’ which they choose independently and could be read to them by an adult if needed. It is important that you read every day with your child and record their reading in your child’s reading diary. Your child will need to bring their books and diaries to school every day.




Yours sincerely,


Mrs Davies & Miss Martin

Letters to parents 2023 - 2024

Summer 2 - Weston Trip Letter

Spring 2 DT Letter

Spring 2 Half Term Homework

Spring 1 Half Term Homework

Hawking For Heroes Letter

Bedtime Book Letter

Useful websites: