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Great Malvern Primary School

Working together for success

Year 1

Year 1


Dear Parents,


Hello and welcome to the summer term in year 1! Below is some information about our learning this term.


“At the Seaside”



In the first half term, we will start our learning on multiplication and division. We will learn to count in 2s, 5s and 10s before applying our knowledge to recognising and counting equal groups. 


Over this term, we will be looking at a variety of texts to inspire the children’s writing. We are looking forward to linking our learning with our history and geography learning by focusing on Lucy and Tom at the Seaside by Shirley Hughes. Our writing purpose will be writing to persuade. After this, we will move on to writing to inform by creating some explanation texts for how plants grow.



In science, we will be learning about plants. There will be lots of opportunities to investigate and observe plants growing. We will also learn about the parts of a plant - classifying and grouping both plants and their parts. 

History and geography


History and geography this term will focus on the seaside. We will look at a range of human and physical features to start with and we will then go on to looking at a variety of beaches and their history.



This term we will be starting off by focusing on e-safety. The children will be consolidating their knowledge on how to stay safe online and be respectful to others.



In Art we will be looking at  a variety of ways to make sculptures. We will have the chance to make sculptures using tubes, explore 3D models and even make a large class model of a spider!


In PSHE this term, we will learn about citizenship and think about the needs of others, including animals.



RE in the Summer Term will focus on Christianity.





During indoor PE we will be enjoying learning about gymnastics.







 Additional Information

PE kit




P.E lessons are on Tuesday.  Please make sure they bring a full P.E kit in school which should include: White T- shirt, bottle green shorts, long black football socks, suitable trainers/pumps, warm black or green jogging bottoms and an extra green sweatshirt. This will be kept in school so that the children can change into it on their PE days.


Water bottles & healthy tuck







Reading books will be sent home daily. There will be a reading book that is matched to their reading level and a ‘bedtime book’ which they choose independently and could be read to them by an adult if needed. It is important that you read every day with your child and record their reading in your child’s reading diary. Your child will need to bring their books and diaries to school every day. The children will also receive weekly spellings and some extra homework challenges.




Yours sincerely,


Mrs Davies & Miss Martin


Year 1 Trip to Malvern Festival of Stories




On Wednesday 25th November, we visited The Malvern Festival of Stories. We had a fabulous time and enjoyed watching Pinocchio.  

Summer 2 - Weston Trip Letter

Spring 2 DT Letter

Spring 2 Half Term Homework

Spring 1 Half Term Homework

Hawking For Heroes Letter

Bedtime Book Letter

Useful websites: