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Great Malvern Primary School

Year 3

A big welcome to Year 3. 

There are two classes in Year 3. 

3LS with Miss Senter and Mrs Wallace

3NC with Miss Christopher and Miss Green


A big hello and welcome to Year 3. 


Year 3 is a busy year with a very full timetable and there are many things that you can do to help your child to make sure they are making the most of every opportunity.


Our topic for this term is “The Stone Age”. The focus of our learning is History, but it will also include a variety of engaging curriculum areas. If your child does anything at home that supports their topic, please send it in, as it’s always lovely to celebrate children’s enthusiasm for learning!


For regular updates about what happens in our classes, please check the school Instagram and Facebook pages.



Autumn Term




We begin every morning with our ‘Early Bird Maths’ which focuses on retrieving key skills. This term, our main Maths focus will begin with place value and number, learning to use the formal method of column addition and subtraction. Later in the term we shall move onto multiplication and division, focusing on the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Your child can support their learning by completing a short session on Times Table Rockstars 3-5 times a week. Log in details can be found in each child's reading record.



Following the Talk for Write structure we begin by reading, learning and innovating Little Red Riding Hood. The children will practice this fairy tale with actions, hot seating characters and thinking of ways to adapt the story to make their version unique. Later in the term we focus on "writing to inform"  by exploring instructions using "How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth" to develop our writing skills.  

The children will also get chance to become poets and deconstruct Haiku poems with a focus on how to write their own based around school and British values.




As scientists we begin this year looking at Forces and Magnets and then explore Rocks and Soils, including the formation of fossils. We will be doing a range of scientific enquiry and practical investigations to support our learning.



Our topic this term is The Stone Age and we will learn how early humans lived, how their houses were built, the tools they used and look at some of the archaeological sites that help us to understand what life was like back then. By the end of the topic, children will be able to explain "How life changed in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age".




Time will be spent on enhancing our Stone Age project. We will be looking at different techniques to create projects including making a woolly mammoth, cave paintings and learning to sew.



Our values this term are Generosity and Support. We will also be checking in with the children regularly and having discussions on how to support our mental health. Main PSHE lessons are all about Family and Friendship.  




For the first half term, we will be developing our fundamental skills and cricket skills. Later on in the term, we will move onto ball skills and dance.


PE days for the first half term are Tuesday and Friday. PE kits can remain in school during the week.


REAt the end of the term we will explore Christianity and the Bible in the lead up to Christmas.
FrenchWe will begin our learning journey by finding out how to greet each other and count up to 20.



 Additional Information




Autumn 1 - P.E lessons are on a Tuesday and Friday.



Please make sure your child brings in their full P.E kit. This should include:  White T- shirt, bottle green/black shorts, suitable trainers/pumps, warm green/black jogging bottoms. An optional plain black school hoodie can be worn on cooler days.  




A named water bottle, reading record and a healthy snack every day.

Please name ALL uniform so that we can return it to your child if necessary.








Reading books will be checked daily. We ask that your child’s schoolbook is read at home every night with a written comment made in the Reading Record. Please ensure this is a meaningful comment to show that they have understood what they have read.


Reading is part of their weekly homework and should be a focused 10-15 mins each day if possible.





Spelling lists will be set and tested on a Friday. Please support your child in learning the words that they bring home.



Maths homework will be set weekly and aim to support and embed key skills taught throughout the year. This will be set on a Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Thursday.


HistoryChildren will be given a list of different learning activities to complete. These are linked to our Stone Age to Iron age topic. These last for the whole term and the expectation is that the children complete as many as they possibly can. 



Yours sincerely,


Miss Christopher and  Miss Senter

2023- 24




Rocket Launch

Still image for this video
At the end of STEAM day we gathered with our rockets for a whole school launch

This term we will be learning…..


Fractions, Money, Statistics, Time and Shape.



We start the term looking at "The Tin Forest" and use inspiration from this book to write persuasive leaflets about improving our local area.

We then move on to the fantastic picture book "Tuesday" to write a newspaper report about the strange events that occur after 8pm on a weekday evening. 

Picture books are amazing resources for capturing imagination and give us opportunities to write for a range of different purposes, such as writing to inform, persuade and entertain our readers.



Our focus for this term is Geography with a topic title "Europe". We will be comparing our local area with an area in Italy and discuss the key human and physical features. Later on in the term we will be developing our map skills and taking our learning outside the classroom.



The first part of the summer term is all about Plants and we even get to watch how some of our own plants grow and investigate the perfect conditions for healthy growth. Later in the term we look at Light and Shadows which is the perfect topic to look at during the sunnier months. We will discuss how we need light to see, how light is reflected, the importance of sun safety and then having some fun with shadows.



Have you ever dreamed of becoming a computer programmer and be the inventor of the next bestselling computer game....this term the children can explore how Scratch! uses coding and algorithms to create avatars and min-games.


DT (Food)

To complement our European topic, we will be building up our skills to make our own Greek Salad Pitta. This will cover basic hygiene practice as well as exploring safe cutting techniques. Of course the tasting and evaluating is the best part!



We will continue with basic French vocabulary and practice our accents with many speaking and listening opportunities.



Discussing what kind of world Christians believe Jesus wanted and thinking about what Christians and Non-Christians can do to look after the world we live in.



Summer 1 - Rounders (Tuesday) and Fitness (Thursday)




Our school values and rules help to shape the Great Malvern Pupil and we explore what these mean through assemblies and lesson time.

We will also be looking at the rights and responsibilities we have as British citizens, how to budget and thinking about the jobs and careers we might like. 



PE days this half term

Tuesday for outdoor PE

Thursday for indoor PE

On Thursday, the school was taken over by a Roman army as Y3 enjoyed their Roman Day experience. The children learnt all about the history of the invasion and how Romans lived. They enjoyed looking at real artefacts which included Roman games, armour and clothing. The highlight of the day was re-enacting the famous tortoise formation in battle! Here is what some of the children thought about their day:


“I am mind blown because I didn’t know most of the words we know are Latin and Greek!” Ronnie


“I really enjoyed learning about what life was like for Romans. I didn’t agree that the men should follow their dads and that the women get to chill out.” Alfie


“I am surprised to learn that in Rome they threw their wee and poo into the streets and that Roman soldiers would get infections from the dirty water if they had a cut on them.” Jensen


“I’ve really enjoyed dressing up as a Roman emperor and learning how to do the tortoise formation.” Mason


Welcome back, we wish you a very happy new year!


Our topic for this term is “Roman Britain”. The focus of our learning is History, but it will also include a variety of engaging curriculum areas. If your child does anything at home that supports their topic, please send it in, as it’s always lovely to celebrate children’s enthusiasm for learning!


For regular updates about what happens in our classes, please check the school website and follow our class Twitter pages below. 


3PE - @G_M_P_SClass3PE

 3NC - @G_M_P_SClass3NC


This term we will be learning…..


Multiplication and division, length and perimeter and fractions.


We will continue to follow the Talk for Write structure and use a range of texts to produce different writing styles. We will be exploring non-fictional recounts as well as developing suspense through adventure stories.


Our history focus for this term is the Romans as we aim to answer our Enquiry Question "What impact did the Roman Empire have on Britain?"


This term we are going to be covering health and movement focusing on muscles and skeletons and how we can choose a healthy diet to support our growth and development. In Spring 2 we will also be learning about plants and what they need to survive.


In computing, we will begin by looking at databases and start to create our own spreadsheets before covering the increasingly important topic of Online Safety in the modern digital world.

Art and DT

In art we will be looking at the formal elements of art. In DT we will be exploring shell structures.


We will continue with basic French vocabulary and begin to learn vocabulary for colours and numbers.


We will be exploring festivals that are important in Islam and Judaism.


During Spring 1 we will be doing Football Skills with our professional coach on Mondays as well as learning some relaxation techniques in Yoga every Thursday. 


Our values for this term are courage and peace. We will also be exploring health and wellbeing which links with our Science topic.


PE Days

Monday for outdoor PE

Thursday for indoor PE



 Additional Information




Spring Term P.E lessons are on a Monday and Thursday.



Please make sure your child brings in their full P.E kit. This should include:  White T- shirt, bottle green/black shorts, suitable trainers/pumps, warm green/black jogging bottoms. An optional plain black school hoodie can be worn on cooler days.  




A named water bottle, reading record and a healthy snack every day.

Please name ALL uniform so that we can return it to your child if necessary.








Reading books will be checked daily. We ask that your child’s schoolbook is read at home every night with a written comment made in the Reading Record. Please ensure this is a meaningful comment to show that they have understood what they have read.


Reading is part of their weekly homework and should be a focused 10-15 mins each day if possible.





Spelling lists will be set and tested on a Friday. Please support your child in learning the words that they bring home.



Maths homework will be set weekly and aim to support and embed key skills taught throughout the year. This will be set on a Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Thursday.



Times Table Rockstars

All children have log in details for Times Tables Rock Stars. You can find this information in the front of their Reading Record. We would like them to play on the site as often as possible. They don't have to play for long as little and often sometimes works best. We will be choosing a Rock Star of the week in each class for children who have made the most effort/progress across the week, and will sometimes have "battles" where classes play each other.


Times Tables Rock Stars (