The teaching staff in Nursery are:
Mrs Rachel Dudman (Head of Early Years)
Mrs Fay Davies Mrs Laura Gormans
Please follow the link- 'Who's Who?' - below if you would like to see pictures and the rest of our staff
Welcome to the second half of the Autumn term!
This half term our theme is Colours and Christmas, and we are looking forward to being part of the Nativity performance on Thursday 12th December at 9.30am where we will join with the Reception children to tell the story of Christmas! Listen out for your children beginning to sing the songs we are going to be practicing, and ask them if they can retell the story for you!
You will have received a letter and a toothbrush and toothpaste from the scheme we are attached to that supports young children in how to brush teeth effectively, and the children will be having a go regularly in class during the week.
We are enjoying another half term of PE in the hall in school with Joel, our sports coach. Please can you make sure that the children come in Monday in comfortable clothes that they can do sports activities in, and a pair of trainers or school shoes.
Please could we also ask that children come into Nursery in sensible shoes or trainers, and not crocs or welly boots (or with a spare pair of shoes in addition to wellies) so that they can safely access all off the things we do both inside and outside in Nursery.
We are expanding our knowledge of stories and authors, and again looking at the lovely stories of Nick Sharratt – look out for these as you visit the library or book shops, the children love sharing them, and talking about what they can see in the pictures. We will also be sharing lots of lovely versions of the Christmas story and discussing celebrations that we share with our families.
We are enjoying mark making in lots of different places – chalking outside, using felt tips to make designs, writing in glitter and sand and trying to recognise and write our names. We are working on careful counting and recognising numbers, and especially this half term we are discussing and making patterns both inside and outside.
You can, as always, support your little one’s learning by sharing books, counting and talking about number, and encouraging them to draw and mark make, as well as running, climbing and building all their strong motor skills which will help them as they move forward with their learning.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our ‘Stay and Read’ session on Wednesday 13th November at 8.45am.
As always, if you have any questions, come and chat to us before or after school,
Mrs Dudman
Welcome to the new school year!
Sports Day
Welcome to our fantastic school Nursery!
Our school Nursery is an exciting, stimulating place for your child to develop an early thirst for knowledge and information.
We pride ourselves on creating a welcoming and encouraging environment where all of our children can flourish and thrive.
Our indoor space has been carefully arranged into different learning zones, where our children can further their existing skills and develop new ones.
This is our main carpet space where we listen to stories, talk about each day and do lots of thinking.
These are our focus tables where we do lots of activities in small groups and with adults.
This is our making area. Each morning we use the table as a breakfast table, but when breakfast is finished, it becomes a very busy (and quite often messy) creative table.
Our Nursery is situated in the main school as part of Early Years so sits alongside the Reception classrooms. Our Nursery children share outside space with the Reception children and will sometimes work alongside them during these times which makes transition into school really smooth.
The children have access to the whole school facilities including the hall which we use for indoor PE activities.
In Nursery, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This covers 7 main areas:
- Personal Social and Emotional Development.
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
We aim to cover these areas as practically as possible and with as much fun as we can!
We have a maximum number of 26 children at any one time.