School Improvement Plan
We are constantly looking at what we can do to continually improve what we are doing at Great Malvern Primary School. The following priorities for improvement have been identified for the academic year 2024-2025.
Priority 1 - Quality of Education
a) Ensure our pupils have the knowledge and skills they need to make progress and to be able to take advantage of oportunities now and in later life.
b)To provide high quality provision, through the embedding of our ALIVE curriculum model, for all children including disadvantaged and SEND to enable them to make better than expected progress.
c) To raise pupils outcomes at Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, with a focus on spelling, reading and writing, closing the gap on national averages.
Priority 2 - Behaviour and Attitudes
Develop learning bheaviours and attitudes which enable our pupils to engage positively with all aspects of school life to achieve their best.
Priority 3 - Personal Development
Prepare our pupils by supporting them to become resilient, successful individuals with growing personal ambition. Great Malvern pupils will be curious, ambitious and change makers in life and learning.
Our school community will have the tools and strategies needed to keep themselves safe and well in the community and on line.
Priority 4 - Leadership and Management
Leadership and management impact directly on the quality of education provided at Great Malvern Primary School.
Priority 5 - Effectiveness of Early Years
To enhance the development of our EY curriculum and assessment with a strong emphasis on improving language skills at an early age.