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We have a limited number of spaces for Reception starting in September 2025, please contact the school for more information.
Great Malvern Primary School home page Great Malvern Primary School home page

Great Malvern Primary School


If you would like a place at our school, we would be delighted to show you around in the first instance - please contact the school office who will be able to organise a tour for you.


Full details of the admissions process and criteria are outlined in our Admissions Policies which can be found below.




Admissions at Great Malvern Primary School and all other Mercian Educational Trust schools, will remain in line with the agreed arrangements for Worcestershire’s maintained non-denominational secondary and primary schools.


The Admissions Policies below should be read in conjunction with the general terms contained in the Worcestershire Admission to Primary and Secondary School Booklets.


Mercian Educational Trust adheres to the statutory requirements and the principles expressed in the School Admissions Code (DfE Dec 2014). This includes reference to the Worcestershire Fair Access Protocol.


The Trustees and Governors are supported by the Worcestershire Local Authority (LA) in processing applications for places and informing families. MET is the admission authority. Schools are responsible for allocation of places using the criteria set out in the policy below.


How to apply for a school place in the normal round of September 2025 admissions;


ALL children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 need to apply for a place, before they can start school in September 2025. Places are not automatically allocated, even if your child attends the school nursery/pre-school. 


Applications can be made online when applications open from 1st September 2024 up until the closing date Wednesday 15th January 2025 by visiting: 


If you do not have access to the internet, application forms are available from the school office, The Worcestershire Hub or by request by calling 01905 822700.


Any parents of pupils that are residents outside of Worcestershire, but who wish to apply for a place at at a Worcestershire school, must complete an application form provided by the “home” LA.  (The “home” LA is defined as the Local Authority relevant to the Child’s home address.)  The “home” LA will ensure that the application details are passed onto Worcestershire LA for consideration in the allocation of school places.


When are decisions made?


School Offer Notification date is the 16th April 2025.


In-Year Admissions


If you should wish to transfer your child from their current school during the school year, you will need to contact either the main school office on 01684 574219, or the Worcestershire School Admissions Team on 01905 844111, or visit their website. 


Waiting List


Where there are no spaces available, we hold a waiting list which you are welcome to join. 


If you wish your child to be on the waiting list for the next term, you will need to confirm this in writing at the beginning of each term. Application letters will be destroyed at the end of the preceding term so the waiting list is accurate and active.


Worcestershire County Council 


For more information about admissions procedures, please view the following: