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Great Malvern Primary School

Working together for success

Year 6

Copy of White Illustrative Chalkboard Back to School Video.mp4

Still image for this video


Click these links to go to our Twitter page:

Year 6 (@GMPS_Year6) / Twitter



Welcome to Year 6! On this page you will learn some key information about how life will be in Year 6 and also there are links above to our class Twitter pages where you can find regular updates on our learning adventures.


We use Microsoft Teams a lot in Year 6 for setting assignments, sharing weblinks or notices and general communicating. Your child will know their login details and will be able to access this via most devices.


Below you will find our yearly topic overview and the current terms information letter. Enjoy!




Dear Parents,

Welcome back to Great Malvern for the Summer term. We hope you have had a great Easter and have found the return to school positive. Please find below, a summary of the learning that Year 6 will be covering this term.

Our topic for this term is ‘Mountains and Rivers’. If your child does anything at home that supports our topic, please send it in as it’s always lovely to see their enthusiasm for their learning!

For regular updates about what happens on our classes, don’t forget to follow us on instagram gmps_year6 for further updates. Also check your class teams page for updates and key messages from the class teacher.

Great Malvern Primary School



Dear Parents,


Welcome to Year 6! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and we are looking forward to a short but busy Spring term.

 Please find below, a summary of the learning that Year 6 will be covering this term.


Our topic for this term is ‘The Ancient Greeks’. The primary focus of our learning is going to be based around history, but it will include a variety of curriculum areas such as geography, Design Technology, Art and Science. If your child does anything at home that supports our topic, please share it with us or send it in as it’s always lovely to see their enthusiasm for their learning!


For regular updates about what happens on our classes, don’t forget to follow us on twitter at our Year Group page @GMPS_Year6 for further updates. Also check our teams page for updates and key messages from the class teacher.





This term we will be using various texts and short videos to facilitate our learning where we will be covering a range of genres including: Rose Blanche (diary writing and narrative writing to build atmosphere) , Alma (a visual literacy unit) and a non-chronological report of famous and influential Greeks.


This term we are going to be covering the topics: light, habitats and classification.

Topic – Geography focus

The Ancient Greeks: Including; how we can find out about life in Ancient Greece, what life was like in ancient Athens and why it was so strong, how Ancient Greek women lived their lives, the battle of Marathon, the building of the Parthenon and the influential Greeks who have had an impact on our lives today.

Art and D&T

In Art we will be studying a variety of artists and the mixed media techniques they used throughout their careers. to  In the second half term, we will be focussing on D&T and looking at food technology and using sensory evaluations to design and make our own celebratory bread.


We will be focussing on key computing skills and computer systems and networks – Looking at Bletchley Park and Python coding.


In French we will be practising our French phonics to support our pronunciation throughout the year.


In RE we will be learning about Christianity and Christian values for example how does faith support people when life gets hard and the discussion between creation and science.


In PSHE we will focusing on our school values of ‘generosity’ and ‘support’. We will also be working with the Colwall youth project.

P.E .

During the first half term, our indoor focus will be dance and in our outdoor lessons we will be working with Rob Cook on tag rugby. In the second half term we will be mastering our orienteering skills (OAA) and outdoors we will be continuing with tag rugby.

Outdoor learning

We are also planning on visiting forest school throughout the term to our topics in science and our Ancient Greek work.


   Additional Information

P.E. kit

Both classes will have their PE sessions on a Thursday and Friday, so they need to make sure they have their P.E. Kits in school for these days.



Children should take their reading books home daily and read each day. It is really important to ensure that either you or your child is writing in their reading diary each night to discuss what they have read.


Words will be set once a week on a Tuesday and will be tested the following Monday. Please support your child in learning the spellings they bring home.

Additional homework

In readiness for high school, we will be setting the children homework tasks and challenges on teams, TT rockstars and Education City.  Your child will receive a password for TT rockstars and Education City.  We expect the children to check their Teams notifications regularly for updates or assignments.  We will alternate between a Maths and English focus.  We also provide Homework Club time within school where children can access the laptops.


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Perry, Mrs Bennett, Mrs Paynter & Mrs Smout



Keep up to date with our learning on our Year group Twitter page. For current news and updates also see our new Facebook page.



Home learning weblinks


For all subjects

BBC Bitesize are starting daily online lessons from Monday 20th April



Links to White Rose maths ideas and lessons 

A range of different reasoning and problems solving lessons live streamed daily on YouTube 


Jane Considine Sentence Stackers