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Great Malvern Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Please read parent letter

    Tue 05 Mar 2024

    Good afternoon,


    Please read the latest letter uploaded. You should have received an attached copy via e-mail today. A copy is also available under 'Notices' on the school website.

  • ParentPay Implementation - January 2023

    Fri 16 Dec 2022



    We are using ParentPay because it’s simple, safe, convenient and your child no longer needs to carry cash into school.



    Great Malvern Primary will soon operate a cash and cheque free system for school dinners, trips, activities, wraparound and breakfast club.  You can make payments safely and securely online using a system called ParentPay, or if you’d prefer you can use your local PayPoint.


    You simply top-up your ParentPay account online by debit or credit card, or in cash through PayPoint stores. Payment by direct debit is also available. Your ParentPay balance can be used immediately to pay for any of your children’s items at any school using ParentPay.


    Introduction to ParentPay

    ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available. Making a payment is straightforward and ParentPay holds a payment history for you to view at a later date. Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.



    • Enables you to pre-book and pay for school meals
    • Pay for all school trips and activities
    • Offers a highly secure payment site
    • Gives you a history of all the payments you have made
    • Allows to create a single account login across all your children that attend a ParentPay school
    • Shows you all items available for payment relevant to each of your children
    • Emails a receipt of your payment to the email address you register
    • Offers you the ability to set automated email/SMS payment reminders



    You will be sent an activation email containing your activation username and password to enable you to setup your ParentPay account. During the activation process you will be guided through changing your username and password to something more memorable; if you have more than one child at a ParentPay school/s you can also add children to a single account providing one login for all children at ParentPay schools.

  • Welcome back - September 2022

    Wed 31 Aug 2022

    Please read the letter that was emailed across to you earlier today for details about the upcoming academic year. 

  • Red Warning - Tuesday 19th July 2022

    Mon 18 Jul 2022

    A letter from the CEO of the MET has been emailed to you today. Please read this for advice and arrangements for tomorrow. 

    A copy of this notice is also on our Facebook page and on the website under "Letters and notices."

  • ASDA Green Tokens

    Tue 01 Feb 2022

    We have been accepted for the ASDA Green tokens scheme.


    Please click on the link below from 1st February and vote for Great Malvern Primary School, You can vote once a week so get voting and spread the word to all your friends please! 


  • School Photographs

    Mon 26 Apr 2021

    Astracolour will be coming into school on Friday 2nd July 2021 to take individual school photos.

  • Remote Parents' Evening Meeting on Wed 3rd & Thurs 4th March

    Thu 25 Feb 2021

    Don't forget to book your remote Parents and carers evening, please check your emails for details on how to book.



  • Safeguarding update 1st April 2020

    Wed 01 Apr 2020 Nikki Selby

    Please see latest safeguarding update in response to Covid 19 guidance. 

    Key information - Safeguarding

  • Ofsted Report now online

    Tue 02 Jul 2019

    We are pleased to inform you that the Ofsted report from our visit in June 2019 is now available on the school website and can be accessed through this link 



    You will notice from the summary on the first page, that the inspection found that Great Malvern Primary School remains a Good school. It is particularly pleasing to note however, that for the first time ever, we have received a judgement of ‘Outstanding’ for pupil’s Personal development, behaviour and welfare. This is the highest judgement possible and is a testament to the way that your children represent themselves at school every single day, supported brilliantly by our caring and supportive team of staff. We are very proud indeed.



    As I explained in my newsletter following the inspection, we felt that the process was thorough and fair, and the outcomes are in line with the school’s own evaluations. The report is a strong validation of the work going on by everyone at Great Malvern Primary School, as we continue to strive for the very best education for the children in our care. The actions identified as needing to improve further as a result of this inspection are appropriate and we are now planning to address these areas over the coming year.



    The inspection team reported to us, many lovely comments made by our parent community, both on the playground and through the online survey, and asked us to pass on their thanks to you for your input.  The team were also incredibly complimentary about your children, not only about their work, but also about their articulation and confidence when talking about their learning and their school- they are a huge credit to you and to the school.


    We hope you enjoy reading the report and we look forward to continuing to work closely with you to continue to improve our brilliant school.


  • OFSTED 11th and 12th June 2019

    Mon 10 Jun 2019 NS

    Please see letter and information on website relating to Ofsted inspection for 11th and 12th June 2019.