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Great Malvern Primary School

Working together for success





Children will have the knowledge and understanding to go into their next stage of life appreciating music from around the world, different genres and periods in history.



  Children will develop a love and passion for Music that will last a lifetime. They will have the opportunity to form part of the school choir, take part in ‘Young Voices’, the annual Christmas concert and other community concerts.



Children will learn the basic knowledge of the elements of music and make decisions about the music they hear and play.  Children will get the opportunity to take part in specialist music lessons with external musicians.


Children will have access to at least 45 minutes of Music teaching a week. This can be done in blocks so topics can be covered in depth.

  • The children will be taught Music in a way that ensures progression of skills, and follows a sequence to build on previous learning. Our children will gain experience and skills of a wide range of dimensions of music in a way that will enhance their learning opportunities, enabling them to use music in a wide variety of contexts, ensuring they make progress.
  •  The coverage of Music enables children to acquire an understanding of: improvisation, singing a melody, understanding pulse and rhythm, composing music, performing songs from memory, understanding musical vocabulary, learning the names of the notes in their instrumental part from memory or when written down and naming different un-tuned percussion instruments in class.
  • The Curriculum is split up into schemes of work from our ‘Kapow’ Music program. This program helps us to plan our lessons and gives us valuable resources to help with the teaching of Music.
  • Children in KS2, will be given the opportunity to develop their love for Music further, by joining the school choir and having the opportunity to perform in public.

Music - Intent, Implementation & Impact