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Great Malvern Primary School

Working together for success

Ofsted Report now online

We are pleased to inform you that the Ofsted report from our visit in June 2019 is now available on the school website and can be accessed through this link 



You will notice from the summary on the first page, that the inspection found that Great Malvern Primary School remains a Good school. It is particularly pleasing to note however, that for the first time ever, we have received a judgement of ‘Outstanding’ for pupil’s Personal development, behaviour and welfare. This is the highest judgement possible and is a testament to the way that your children represent themselves at school every single day, supported brilliantly by our caring and supportive team of staff. We are very proud indeed.



As I explained in my newsletter following the inspection, we felt that the process was thorough and fair, and the outcomes are in line with the school’s own evaluations. The report is a strong validation of the work going on by everyone at Great Malvern Primary School, as we continue to strive for the very best education for the children in our care. The actions identified as needing to improve further as a result of this inspection are appropriate and we are now planning to address these areas over the coming year.



The inspection team reported to us, many lovely comments made by our parent community, both on the playground and through the online survey, and asked us to pass on their thanks to you for your input.  The team were also incredibly complimentary about your children, not only about their work, but also about their articulation and confidence when talking about their learning and their school- they are a huge credit to you and to the school.


We hope you enjoy reading the report and we look forward to continuing to work closely with you to continue to improve our brilliant school.