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Great Malvern Primary School

Building Works Have Started!

Building Work Starts!
Building work to construct a new six classroom wing has finally started at Great Malvern Primary School. The new build is to replace ‘temporary’ classrooms that have been on site for at least fifteen years. Drain diversion works are in progress and the main build contractor, E G Carter, will start work on the 3rd November. The build is expected to be thirty weeks long.
The £1million funding has come from the government’s Academy Maintenance Fund following a successful bid earlier in the year. This capital works fund is only available to academies and is designed to help in the improvement to school buildings and allow academies to respond to pressures on school space.
Mr Paul Jackson-Read, Headteacher says:
“After months of effort, I am absolutely delighted that work has started on this exciting project. The old mobile classrooms are a very poor environment for children to learn in. The new six classroom block plus kitchen will enable our Year Four to Year Six children to learn in a bright, engaging and appropriate space. It’s what they deserve.
This new build is happening as a direct result of the school converting to academy status over two years ago and would not be occurring if we had remained with the local authority.
Whilst I am not looking forward to the inevitable disruption to school life, we are all keeping focused on the superb facilities we will have next year. The disruption will be worth it.”