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Great Malvern Primary School

Working together for success




Children will have the scientific knowledge and a secure understanding of the scientific method to be able to hypothesize, analyse and make sense of the world around them.


Children will develop a sense of deep curiosity and a love to investigate and deepen their understanding of how the physical world works.



Children will learn to become critical thinkers and approach scientific enquiry with an understanding of the different variables and biases that can influence results.



At Great Malvern we have developed a science curriculum that inspires a deep love of science and also raises children’s aspirations and understanding regardless of ethnic origin, gender, class, aptitude or disability. We aim to ensure that all children are equipped with the scientific skills required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future and foster an awareness of the different pathways that can lead to a career in science.

- Every child receives a minimum of 1-hour high quality science teaching per week.

- Science is taught accurately and systematically both within and across the each year group and key stage so that new knowledge is built upon the secure foundation of established understanding.

- Science Teaching is underpinned by pedagogical knowledge of how teacher questioning can guide learners.

- To ensure continuous assessment, intervention and development within science through the use of pre-topic assessments and end of unit scaled assessments.

- To ensure developmental feedback is consistently high quality throughout the School and extends and develops pupils’ ability to link new knowledge into existing understanding

- To develop a vocabulary-rich and investigation-rich science curriculum which allows pupils to apply their theoretical understanding to a range of experiments and understand how difference variables can affect their results.

- To provide the opportunity for each year group to study the work of prominent scientists and appreciate their contribution to world around them, raising the profile of science in society.

Whole school learning journey

Scientific Enquiry

The five enquiry types are embedded within our curriculum. Most lessons will have a focus on one of these skills.